söndag 10 januari 2010

Life blogg

Fridays meeting was very rewarding to me. I finally know what I wan't to do, and what I'm going to do. I'm going to develope a "Life blog" as a teaching tools to my students. The idea with the blog is a tool to have a more effective and interactive way to communicate with my students.

The students are able to write whatever is on their minds. For example, if mondays math class sucked, the blogg is there to spread the word. And the mathteacher can read and reflect on it, and maybe could develope and better way to reach the students intrest?

My art students can put pictures they have made from a previous class on the blog and reflect on it as well on the blog. And I as a teacher can use this blog to develope my teaching but also how I can reach out to my students!

More updates will come!
Peace // Joss

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